Dr. Igor Vitale (Foggia, Italia)
Psychologist, International Speaker, and Author. Expert in Erasmus+ Projects. Igor Vitale is the creator of the Green Mystery Guest project and is committed to promoting environmental sustainability within several sectors of the Province of Foggia: agriculture, tourism, rural areas, and craftsmanship. As part of the Erasmus+ project “Green Mystery Guest,” he was responsible for the module on the sustainability of kitchen and gastronomy services. Igor Vitale is a trainer in the tourism sector and has supported a wide range of hospitality establishments: from 3- to 5-star luxury hotels, resorts, and large hotel chains. In this course, Igor Vitale reveals some of the strategies for mystery guests that can uncover the key elements of environmental sustainability in the cuisine offered by hotels.

Green Mystery Guest. 2022-1-IT01-KA210-VET-000081020
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